Art Therapy
What is Art Therapy?
Art therapy is the use of art within the therapeutic setting. Art can be incorporated into therapy sessions. Some people decide that they mostly want to engage in art therapy during sessions and others may prefer to occasionally have art incorporated into their sessions or not at all. Sessions are tailored to each individual and their specific needs and preferences.
How does art therapy work?
Creating art can provide an outlet to express unconscious material. The process of creating art and the realizations and insights that arise often are more impactful than the actual final product of the art. How art therapy generally works during sessions includes an art directive, creation of art, and processing the experience and insights together with an art therapist for guidance. Art could come in many different forms and may look different from one person to the next. One of the wonderful things about art is that there is no right or wrong way to create art. Art therapy is focused on expression, not how the final product looks.
The idea of creating art can be an intimidating and anxious thought for many people. Many people feel critical of their art skills and don’t consider art therapy as an option. I often urge people to give it a try and see how they feel about it. The therapy room is a place where people can share authentically and never worry about judgment or criticism. Many of my favorite techniques involve scribble drawings, which do not require any art skills. Personally I have found that the less I worry about how my art looks, the more enjoyment and insights I get from creating my art.
“The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.”
— Aristotle
What are benefits of Art therapy?
Increased Self-Esteem
Stress Relief
New Insights
Acceptance of Self
Our office is conveniently located near the intersection of Barrington Road and Interstate 90, putting us within a 15 minute drive of Schaumburg, Barrington, Palatine, Elk Grove, Streamwood, Elgin, Dundee, and Roselle. We’re under a 25 minute drive from Algonquin, Buffalo Grove, Arlington Heights, Bartlett, Carol Stream